
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2023


CATFISHING  https://www.canva.com/design/DAFbfbEmPj0/qodrW6WWVYBpUSmpqFOXOA/watch?utm_content=DAFbfbEmPj0&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink


    CARNIVAL TIME IN PORTUGAL One of the most  lively  times to visit  Portugal   is late winter/early spring when  communities  explode into a frenzy  partying  as the annual carnival season  starts .   Carnaval has Catholic roots, and it’s a time of celebration and indulgence. It’s the last opportunity to go wild before Lent, a time of fasting and sacrifice. During Lent, Catholics would abstain from eating meat. This is where the word Carnevale comes from, which means as much as putting away the meat. Carnaval was a time for renewal and awakening. The Portuguese name at the time was  Entrudo , which means to enter. You’ll still see this word used today. although things have changed over the years, we can still enjoy a colourful festival with masks, music, and allegorical floats (the cars or trucks with a platform used during the parade). After the wild party, the 40-day-long f...

Carnivals in Navarre

Our students of Basic Vocational Training would like to share with you the typical carnival celebrations that take place in our region: Fahd Andia    Aissam Ben Abi     Hafsa Laouissi    Abdelmalik Makssoud    Elhan Mehmedov   Ibai Míguez   Adama Ndiaye   PRESENTATION

Project Riddled with Curiosity 5 - ENSINUS ETP/ INETE


Promote kindness in our school(s) - Teasers to inspire - ENSINUS ETP/ENSINUS

                                                               In a school full of energy and outbursting emotions, we were challenged       to promote kindness and empathy among our peers to create a safer  and       more balanced environment.  

International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11 February, IES Adeje)

 International Day of Women and Girls in Science: Our IES will celebrate this day participating in two different activities:  *From our English Language class: 2º Baccalaureate students will research and write essays about discoveries women did and were hidden, or not mentioned to highlight male scientists. We will use the tool "Write and Improve from Cambridge" to help us. *Teachers and students of Chemistry and Biology will take part in the project "Matilda Effect". Did you know any of them? Sure you did!!! Hope you like it!!! 💪👌 Verónica's work Alba's work Sara's work

Celebrate women in science — ENSINUS ETP/ INETE

  Celebrate women in science — today, and every day International Women’s Day  in Science  can serve to bring hope, highlight progress, and inspire research communities to continue their efforts to push hard for true gender equality.  This celebration aims to draw attention to the efforts and conquests of bright women researchers in many scientific fields and encourage girls to pursue their academic dreams in Science .  Although t he day has its critics , t here is a need to raise awareness. Women in science still, on average, publish less and win fewer grants and promotions than men. Harassment   and marginalization  discourages  promising researchers out of science, especially those whose ethnicity, disability or sexual orientation makes them targets for discrimination. Activism and action can engender change .  Part of achieving that goal involves raising awareness of what is possible if barriers are broken down  and  support the...

Posters created for women in science day

 We asked our students to create posters related to Women in Science Day to disseminate in our social media. These are the winners. These are the links to our posts in Instagram and Facebook. https://www.instagram.com/p/CoiCBsToZ9j/?igshid=OGIzYTJhMTRmYQ== https://www.instagram.com/p/Cohz91qoyt1/?igshid=OGIzYTJhMTRmYQ==